Plan miasta Fernetici

Fernetici - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Travel From Slovenia

The park involves 413 hectares and is 15 km from Italy (Fernetici by Trieste), 80 km from Ljubljana and 12 km from the Lipica Stud. The Slovenia Skocjan Caves, with the massiveness of their underground halls and gorges, ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Lost Territories

He provokingly states: ?In Kosovo, Albanians bought overpriced real estate from the local Serbian population for several decades and consequently established an independent state. Real estate in Trieste, which is an hour's drive away ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Lost Territories

He provokingly states: ?In Kosovo, Albanians bought overpriced real estate from the local Serbian population for several decades and consequently established an independent state. Real estate in Trieste, which is an hour's drive away ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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